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About this restaurant
Basilicata, my native region Basilicata or Lucania, the most unknown piece of Italy, forms the ankle of my beautiful country. Francis Ford Coppola, whose roots are in Basilicata, expresses it expressively: Basilicata is the earth as it was meant to be. Well preserved and still authentic. In ancient times, famous Roman writers such as Cicero and Horace already extensively praised the local cuisine. It is precisely these time-honored, established dishes, complemented by new creations, that I, Gianfranco, enjoy translating to you in my restaurant Castello Lucano: meals prepared with art and passion. And this in a setting with a medieval touch. Or in fine weather on my lovely terrace with Mediterranean colors and scents. My culinary philosophy was underlined by being awarded the first prize Ospitalità Italiana, Ristoranti Italiani nel Mondo. An official and prestigious European label that guarantees the quality of the service and of the original Italian products offered worldwide. And I am proud to be able to share this with you. signature Castello Lucano. Arte, ospitalità e vera passione.
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8.8 Based on 300 reviews
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