
Restaurant Rose Red

Cordoeaniersstraat 16-18 8000 BRUGES
Steve Quayle
Reviewed on  11/05/2024 17:36
Steve recommends this restaurant for:

The food beer and service were excellent. I would add that the lounge ...

The food beer and service were excellent. I would add that the lounge area is not the best for eating the dishes served as the chairs, although comfortable, are very low as are the tables.

Steve Quayle
0 Favorites
0 Reviews
Reviewed on  11/05/2024 17:36
Steve recommends this restaurant for:

The food beer and service were excellent. I would add that the lounge ...

The food beer and service were excellent. I would add that the lounge area is not the best for eating the dishes served as the chairs, although comfortable, are very low as are the tables.