
Restaurant Brasserie Surréaliste

Pl. du Nouveau Marché aux Grains 23 1000 BRUSSELS (CENTER)
Roos Van den Wildenberg
RoosVan den Wildenberg
Reviewed on  05/05/2024 10:48
Roos recommends this restaurant for:

The food, beers and wines are super good! Atmosphere is very impressiv...

The food, beers and wines are super good! Atmosphere is very impressive, people are very kind.

Roos Van den Wildenberg
0 Favorites
0 Reviews
Reviewed on  05/05/2024 10:48
Roos recommends this restaurant for:

The food, beers and wines are super good! Atmosphere is very impressiv...

The food, beers and wines are super good! Atmosphere is very impressive, people are very kind.